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riosleftsock 12:22 Tue Apr 4
Nigel Lawson RIP
Probably the last great Chancellor of our country.

Its a shame nobody else after him bothered to listen to him.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Pedant 9:04 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Lamont was weakling who chose exactly the worst moment to enter ERM (in the face of all advice). I wrote a briefing note to my company that it would end in tears. It didn't have to.

Pedant 8:58 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Kamikaze barely had time to warm his seat, and his damage was easily rolled back. We are still paying for Barber.

Helmut Shown 6:07 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Used to write for the Daily Mail, need I say more?

Hammer and Pickle 6:06 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
One of a long line of Tory toads who have put the party interest before what is obviously that of a country that should have adopted the Euro as a founding member of the common currency.

A disgusting, slimy figure.

New Jersey 5:36 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Pedant - Lamont was ok, the only problem was he had the ERM forced upon him, he didn't want us to enter it, it was his dozy prick of a boss John Major who wanted us in it when he was Chancellor and he forced Thatcher along with his Euro mates Clarke and Heseltine to gang up on her.

, 4:35 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Pedant, have you deliberately left Kwartang off the list or was his tenure so brief as to be ignored?

COOL HAND LUKE 3:31 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
I am on priority standby to comfort and nurture Nigella if she is upset and simpering over her micro-wavey...

Willtell 3:17 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
What a miserable bunch the British are. Always find something to moan about just because they have different politics.

RIP Mr Lawson...

Pedant 2:28 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Probably our 3rd worst Chancellor of the post-War years, behind only Norman Lamont who is, in turn, WAAAAAY behind Anthony Barber.

Paid shill and chief science denier of the coal industry.

Massive France-living brexiter hypocrite.

Still, at least he spawned Nigella.

Ah, yeah,. Named his kids after himself.

J.Riddle 12:11 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
"Thought Rishi was ok"?

Is this the same Slippery Rishi that squandered and lost £5bn of tax payers covid bounce back business loans without the appropriate checks handed out to fraudsters while on his watch as Chancellor?

New Jersey 11:45 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Whether you consider him a good chancellor probably depends on your political views. I wouldn't say he was a bad chancellor, a few in my view weren't up to it. Kenneth Clarke didn't do nothing of note apart from cut public spending as did Osbourne with his austerity which really damaged economic growth and which we are suffering from know and they are growth rates have been shit as compared to our international competitors. Thought Rishi was ok and so was Alistair Darling who handled the 2008 credit crunch well. Kwasi well less said the better.

Niblets 11:38 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Was pretty good as Jim McDonald.

Far Cough 11:02 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Eerie Descent 10:59 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
What were his negative points, Ray?

Living in a French chateau?

Eerie Descent 10:59 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
What were his negative points, Ray?

ray winstone 10:52 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Engineered huge inequality rise.

Stuffed bank accounts of richest.

Deregulated finance.

Gave away public assets.

Climate change denier.

Massive Brexteer who lived in a French chateau.

I'd say it was a good job no one else listened to him.

Far Cough 8:06 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Liked her, had great norks


Sydney_Iron 8:03 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Came up with some great recipes, the Chocolate Orange cake is my favorite.


Hammer-ed 3:10 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Didn't like him. He put a tax on take away food!

, 2:13 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
Did not like him at all. De regulated the Banks, light touch supervision, that all went well. Privatised everything in sight, a triumph of dogma over national interest.

In terms of ranking as a C of E a country mile behind the likes of Kenneth Clarke.

J.Riddle 1:41 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
I liked him, if somewhat incoherent at times no doubt due to a propensity to reach for the Sherry.

zebthecat 12:42 Tue Apr 4
Re: Nigel Lawson RIP
A spotty career.
Hepled the economy but started the structural deficit as policy.
Rightly opposed the poll tax.
Admitted that his banking deregulation was partially responsible for the 2008 crash.
Ended as a paid climate change denier.

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